Workshop: How to Write Your Story of a Lifetime

We Had the Times of Our Lives

Please join us to Write Your Story of a Lifetime and become a participant in this enjoyable, interactive group. As the class title insinuates, we will take a walk down memory lane. This class is meant to open the doors of our memory banks and bring forward the best memories and times in our lives.


In this class, we will help you remember some of the proudest moments of your lives, some of the silliest times of your lives, and perhaps even the most profound times of your lives. When the class concludes, each member will be given a copy of the PowerPoint presentation to take home and work on. As we all know, if one does not share their story with others, it will never be told. And...the best part: there are no wrong answers. This is your story of a lifetime.

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You can call us at 269-343-2628 to learn more,

or fill out a request form here.