Writing A Thank You Note

When someone dies, friends and neighbors often express their sympathy to the surviving family by sending flowers, providing food to the family or making a contribution in memory of the deceased to a charitable organization which has been named by the family.
There are countless other ways people express sympathy and assist a family in their time of loss.
It is appropriate and considered good manners to respond to these acts of kindness with a thank you or acknowledgement card.
“It’s an expression of generosity and spirit,” said Emily Post, famed icon of good manners. “Rather than focusing on not having a gift for them, focus on how wonderful and generous it was for them to think of you.”
Sending thank you notes need not be done right away. Post says it is considered to be good to have this done within three months of the funeral.
If someone gives you a gift, and you’re standing there empty handed (as we often are at a time of loss), send a gracious thank you note. It will assist you in your grieving process, and it is the polite thing to do.
Several of these cards are supplied in our regular stationary package. If you are just selecting our service of direct cremation, you may wish to add some thank you notes.
Thank you notes from our stationary package come with a preprinted message, but here is also space to write a personal note, should you desire to do so.
Our thank you notes also come personalized with the person’s name. We can also add a photograph of your loved one, along with a theme that is appropriate.
Please feel free to visit with any of our funeral directors about your options regarding this important element.